You're planning on moving and want to sell your current home. As the selling party, you have a legal obligation to report: you must inform the buying party on the state of the property.
“With a purchase inspection by BKT you will speed up the sales process.”
The architectural sales inspection is visual and non-destructive in accordance with the inspection guidelines. During the inspection, all components of the home are inspected. The inspection will not only examine defects in walls and floors (whether or not originating from the foundation), but also the roof (and if present, the balcony). In addition, installations will be assessed to determine whether these still comply with current standards and the state of the bathrooms and kitchen will be observed. If asbestos, fungus, wood-boring insects and such are discovered, this will be mentioned in the report with corresponding maintenance measures. All this allows you to properly market your property and speed up the sales process.
With a sales inspection inspection by BKT
- you will speed up the sales process;
- you will be able to prove the quality of your property;
- you will take away uncertainty among buyers;
- you will largely meet the legal obligation to report;
- you will limit the opportunities for negotiations, after all the costs associated with defects will be transparent.